Saturday, July 2, 2016

Multi-Table Tournament Rules of online poker game in bet365

Multi-Table Tournament Rules

The following rules apply:
The Add-On option is offered automatically to Players at the end of the Re-Buy Period.
Players have one Add-On option per tournament.
The Add-On cost is determined by the House per tournament.
The Add-On feature is available in Multi-Table Tournaments only.
Note: The Add-On Feature may be available or not and is determined by the House per tournament.
If a Player does not have enough chips to bet during a hand when it is their turn to act, the Player is not forced to place the full bet amount. However, the Player must put all of their chips into the pot - this is called All-In. The game play that continues among other Players is put into a side pot. The All-In-Player has no share in this pot.
All Actions Stand
The Player determines the action they want to perform in a game by clicking the appropriate Action button. Once a Player has selected an action it is final. Players must ensure they select the correct action.
Antes, Bring-Ins and Corresponding Limits
For stud games, the antes, bring-in bets and corresponding bet limits are increased at set time intervals throughout the tournament
Bets and Raises
The following rule applies to Fixed-Limit games:
The betting is capped at four bets - one bet and three raises, per betting round. When the betting is capped, Players may only call or fold. The following rule applies to Pot-Limit and No-Limit games: There is no limit to the number of raises per betting round.
Blinds and Posts
The following rules apply:
In Texas Hold'em and Omaha blind bets are used to start the game play.
The Player to the immediate left of the Dealer posts the small blind.
The next Player to the left posts the big blind. The small blind is half of the minimum bet limit.
If the Player on the small blind or big blind is eliminated, the dealer-button moves and the blinds skip a Player for that round.
Buy-In and Entrance Fee
The following rules apply:
There is a fixed buy-in amount and entrance fee for each tournament.
The entrance fee is usually 10% of the buy-in amount. For example, in a €10+€1 tournament, the buy-in amount is €10, and the entrance fee is €1. Therefore, the Player pays €11 to play.
A percentage of the cumulative buy-in amount from all Players in the tournament may be pooled as the prize money. Note: There is no buy-in amount and entrance fee in Freeroll Tournaments. The prizes offered in tournaments are determined by the House.
Chip Dumping
Chip dumping is not allowed, and may result in the following:
1. Players being disqualified and removed from the tournament. 
2. Players forfeiting all buy-in amounts and entrance fees. 
3. Players being permanently banned from the Multi-Player Poker.
Note: These decisions are at the discretion of the House.
Coffeehousing is not permitted.
The following rules apply:
No chat among Players, that could influence the play or outcome of the game, is allowed. This includes chat about the play of their hand, or their opponent's hand.
Abuse of chat may result in the following:
1. Players being disqualified and removed from the game. 
2. Players forfeiting all buy-in amounts. 
3. Players being permanently banned from the Multi-Player Poker.
Note: These decisions are at the discretion of the House. 


Poker is a game where Players play for their own interest. Partnerships or any kind of cooperation among Players is not permitted.
Collusion is not allowed, and may result in the following:
1. Players being disqualified and removed from the tournament. 
2. Players forfeiting all buy-in amounts and entrance fees. 
3. Players being permanently banned from the Multi-Player Poker.
Note: These decisions are at the discretion of the House.
Any instances of disconnection will result in the activation of Time Bank.
After the regular amount of decision-making time has expired, you have the option to use your Time Bank for additional thinking time. Players start a session with a 20 second Time Bank, and for every 50 hands played they receive a further 10 second Time Bank, up to a maximum of 90 seconds. Players can adjust their Time Bank by selecting Settings at the top of the Poker Lobby, then clicking Time Bank. 
End of Tournament 
Tournaments are over when one Player has won all the chips.
Freeroll Tournament Rules
The following rules apply:
Freeroll Tournaments are Scheduled Multi-Table Tournaments only. 
The standard Scheduled Multi-Table Tournament rules apply.
Game Rules
All the basic rules of Poker and the specific game rules apply.
House Rules
The House reserves the right to do the following:
1. Disqualify any Players who do not follow tournament rules, or that act inappropriately during a tournament. 
2. Change any tournament time, guaranteed prize, or tournament, without prior notice. 
3. Alter the rules and make final decisions on all tournament related issues as they occur. 
4. All decisions are at the discretion of the House, and are final.
The following rules apply:
Communication between Players at the table is in English only.
No foul, abusive or insulting language is permitted. The use of such language may result in the following:
1. Player's chat function being disabled. 
2. Players being disqualified and removed from the game. 
3. Players being banned from the Multi-Player Poker.
Note: These decisions are at the discretion of the House.
Leaving a Tournament
The following rules apply:
Tournaments are played to the end.
If a Player withdraws from a tournament before it is over, they are blinded-off.
If a Player does not return to a tournament, they forfeit all buy-in amounts and entrance fees.
Tournament chips have no value other than as counters in the tournament.
Tournament chips have no cash-out value.
Player Elimination
Players are eliminated from the tournament when they lose all their chips. As Players are eliminated from the tournament, remaining Players are moved and tables are consolidated, until only one table remains in the tournament.
Prize Pool
The prizes offered in tournaments are determined by the House.
There is no rake in tournaments. The tournament entrance fee covers the House charges. 


The following rules apply:
Players can Re-Buy at any time during the Re-Buy Period by clicking the Chips button if:
1. They have less chips than what they started the tournament with. 
2. They still have Re-Buy options available.
Note: The Re-Buy Period is determined by the House per tournament.
The Re-Buy option is offered automatically to Players that are eliminated during the Re-Buy Period.
Players that are eliminated after the Re-Buy Period cannot buy back in to the tournament.
The Re-Buy option cost is determined by the House per tournament.
Note: The number of Re-Buy options available to each Player is determined by the House per tournament.
The Re-Buy option is available in Multi-Table Tournaments only.
The following rules apply:
Player registration is open until the tournament's listed registration end time.
There is a fixed buy-in amount for each tournament, except in Freeroll Tournaments, that do not require a buy-in.
Once the de-registration end time for a tournament has passed, or the tournament has started, Players may not de-register. The buy-in amount and entrance fee are non-refundable.
There is an entrance fee for each tournament, except in Freeroll Tournaments.
Each tournament has a minimum registration requirement. If registration does not meet the minimum requirements, the tournament is cancelled. If the tournament is cancelled, Players are refunded their buy-in amount and entrance fee.
If you register for a tournament and are not logged on to the Multi-Player Poker system at the time the tournament starts, you are automatically seated at a table. You are then blinded-off until there are no chips left, or until you log in to play.
Rest Breaks
Large Tournaments may have scheduled rest breaks. The frequency and duration of these breaks is determined during setup of the tournament.
Scheduled Tournament Rules
The following rules apply:
Scheduled Tournaments are Multi-Table Tournaments only.
The standard Multi-Table Tournament rules apply.
The maximum number of Players may be limited or not, depending on the tournament.
At the specified tournament start time, Players are seated randomly, and the tournament begins.
The tournament does not begin until the specified tournament start time.
When a Player registers for a tournament, the tournament buy-in amount and entrance fee are immediately deducted from their account.
If a Player de-registers from the tournament before the tournament de-registration end time has passed, and before play begins at the table, all buy-in amounts and entrance fees are refunded to the Player's account.
If a Player leaves the tournament after play begins at the table, they forfeit their buy-in amount and entrance fee. The Player is then blinded-off, unless they return to the tournament to continue play.
All winnings are deposited into the Player’s account at the point of their elimination from the tournament or once they have won the tournament.
A selection of tournaments are available with a Late Registration functionality, these tournaments will be indicated within the lobby and will operate with a status of “Late Reg” displaying. All Late Registration tournaments’ prizes vary dependent upon the final amount of buyins. 


The following rules apply:
All winning hands are shown automatically at the showdown. All losing hands are shown or mucked, as the Player chooses. If a Player previously selected the Muck Losing Hands option, all the Players losing hands are automatically mucked.
All called hands at the showdown are available for viewing to any Player in the hand history readout of a hand.
Players that win a pot without a showdown are given the option to show or muck their hand. Uncalled winning hands that are mucked are not available for viewing in the PlayCheck readout.
Playing Slowly
The following rules apply to slow play:
If the Player has not placed a bet in the hand, they have twenty seconds to respond. Failing this, the Player's hand automatically folds.
If the Player has placed a bet in the hand, they have twenty seconds to respond. Failing this, the Player's hand automatically folds or is considered All-In.
Note: Repeated instances of slow play may be grounds for a Player to be removed from the table. This decision is at the discretion of the House. There is a sit out option for Players that want to exit the table. Players must use this option to avoid the consequences.
Soft Play
Soft play is not allowed, and may result in the following:
1. Players being disqualified and removed from the game. 
2. Players forfeiting all buy-in amounts. 
3. Players being permanently banned from the Multi-Player Casino.
Note: These decisions are at the discretion of the House.
Starting a Tournament
The following rules apply:
Players are randomly seated at the tournament tables. Players cannot change their seats.
The maximum number of Players that can enter the tournament may be limited or not, depending on the tournament.
When the tournament begins, Players are automatically assigned to a table to play.
If you register for a tournament and are not logged on to the Multi-Player Poker system at the time the tournament starts, you are automatically seated at a table. You are then blinded-off until there are no chips left, or until you log in to play.
Table Balancing
The following rules apply:
Table balancing occurs as Players are eliminated from the tournament.
Remaining Players are moved and tables are consolidated, until only one table remains in the tournament.
A message is displayed to Players notifying them that tables are being consolidated.
The Multi-Player Poker system randomly selects the Player to move from one of the tables with the most remaining Players.
The Player is moved to one of the tables with the least remaining number of Players.
The Player that is moved is seated at the new table as far away from the big blind as possible, according to the available seats.
Table Stakes
All games are played Table Stakes. This means that if a Player does not have enough chips on the table to complete or call a bet or a raise, the Player may bet or call All-In for the number of chips they have left. 


The following rules apply:
If two Players are eliminated in one hand, the Player with the most chips at the start of the hand is granted the higher ranking position in the tournament, and the corresponding prize.
In the event that the eliminated Players had the same number of chips at the start of the hand, the Player closest to the Dealer's left is awarded the higher ranking position.
Tournament Chips
The following rules apply:
All Players start with the same number of tournament chips at the beginning of the tournament.
Tournament chips have no cash out value, and represent no monetary value. They are simply counters for the tournaments.
Understanding and Abiding by the Rules
By entering a tournament, Players acknowledge that they have read, understood and agree to abide by the tournament Rules, General Game Rules, System Rules and the individual Game Rules of the Multi-Player Casino.
All winnings are deposited into the Player’s account at the point of their elimination from the tournament or once they have won the tournament.
Last updated 03/05/2013.


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